Category International law
- Arbitration
- Collective Security
- Customary International Law
- Fundamental Guarantees
- Hierarchy of Norms
- High Contracting Parties
- Immunity
- Internal Disturbances and Tensions
- International Armed Conflict (IAC)
- International Conventions
- International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- International Criminal Court (ICC)
- International Criminal Tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals IRMCT)
- International Humanitarian Law
- International Law
- Intervention
- Legal Status of the Parties to the Conflict
- Mandate
- Natural Law, Religious Law, and Positive Law
- Non-international Armed Conflict (NIAC)
- Parties to the Conflict
- Penal Sanctions in Humanitarian Law
- Public Order
- Responsibility
- Sanctions (Diplomatic, Economic, or Military)
- Sanctions (Punishment)
- Siege
- Situations and Persons Not Expressly Covered by Humanitarian Law
- Soft Law
- Sovereignty
- Special Agreement
- State of Emergency/State of Siege