■ European Court of Human Rights
I. Jurisdiction
The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), based in Strasbourg, France, is a judicial body of the Council of Europe that should not be confused with other judicial bodies of the European Union. It is mainly responsible for guaranteeing respect for human rights and ruling on any violations of the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) (arts. 32, 33 and 34 of the ECHR) allegedly committed by a Member State of the Council of Europe. The Council of Europe used to have 47 Member States. Since 16 March 2022, it decided to expel the Federation of Russia in the wake of the war launched by Russia against Ukraine bringing the number of Member States down to 46.
This mission was initially entrusted to the European Commission and Court of Human Rights. Then, on 1 November 1998, Protocol No. 11 to the European Convention on Human Rights entered into force, amending the 1950 text, and reforming the entire European system of human rights protection. The original two-tiered system was replaced with a single, permanent Court, the ECtHR with jurisdiction over all Member States of the Council of Europe. The ECtHR accepts applications of instances of human rights violations from both State and non-state entities (whether persons, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), or groups of individuals).
In addition to dealing with contentious cases, the ECtHR also has an advisory mandate (arts. 32 and 47 of the ECHR). At the request of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, it may give advisory opinions on questions of interpretation of the ECHR and its Protocols.
In May 2004, Member States of the Council of Europe adopted Protocol No. 14 to the ECHR, thereby initiating a second reform of the Court. This Protocol entered into force on 1 June 2010 following the high-level conference of Interlaken. Then, five other high-level reform conferences took place from 2011 to 2018. In 2013, two other Protocols (No. 15 and 16) that provided the ECtHR with means to ensure its effectiveness on the long run were adopted.
Officially, these four successive reforms were intended to maintain and strengthen the effectiveness of the European system of human rights protection and to help the ECtHR cope with a significant increase in its caseload and the growing number of members of the Council of Europe. The purpose of the second reform, in particular, was to simplify the screening process for individual applications and to facilitate the study of the merits of these applications. With Protocol No. 15, the third reform reduced by two months the time within which an application can be submitted to the ECtHR after a final decision is rendered by a national court. Protocol No. 15 also enshrined the “judge-made” law principles of subsidiarity of the ECHR system towards the national authorities that are the first guarantors of the ECHR as well as the Court’s doctrine on the margin of appreciation given to the State Parties. These changes had for purpose to ensure a shared responsibility between the ECtHR and the States Parties to a more effective protection of human rights in Europe as set out in the ECHR. The Protocol no 15 has entered into force on 1 August 2021 since all State Parties have signed and ratified it. Finally, the fourth reform, with the adoption of Protocol No. 16, give the possibility for the highest national courts of each Member State to request an advisory opinion from the ECtHR on the interpretation or application of the ECHR and its Protocols. This new competence comes in addition to the advisory role already accorded to the Court under articles 47 to 49 of the ECHR. This last reform increase the relationship between the ECtHR and the national courts and authorities with the aim of reinforcing the implementation of the ECHR by the States Parties. Protocol No. 16 first entered into force on 1 August 2008. As of February 2024, 22 States had ratified it and their high courts can thus request the ECtHR for advisory opinions (although non-binding (art. 5 of Protocol No. 16), advisory opinions legally affect States). The most recent high-level reform conference of 2018 led to the adoption of the Copenhagen Declaration. This Declaration reaffirm the commitment of all States Parties towards the respect of the ECHR system and continuous need to reform and streamline the ECtHR’s working methods.
II. Composition
The ECtHR is composed of as many judges as there are States Parties to the ECHR (in June 2006, 47 States Parties had ratified the ECHR but, on 16 March 2022, the Committee of Ministers decided to expel the Russian Federation following the invasion of Ukraine. Consequently, there are now forty-six Member States on the Council of Europe and therefore 46 judges). These judges are elected by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, from a list of three individuals put forth by each Member State.
The judges are independent (meaning they sit on the Court in their individual capacity and do not represent a State), and since the entry into force of Protocol No. 14, they have had a nine-year, non-renewable mandate. They elect the Court’s president, two vice presidents (who are also presidents of Section), three additional presidents of Section, five vice presidents of Section, the registrar and one or more deputy registrar The judges also draft the Rules of Procedure for the Court. A new set of rules was adopted following the reform of the system of human rights protection. The most recent Rules of Procedure entered into force on 22 January 2024.
**Key Characteristics of the European Court of Human Rights
•All Member States of the Council of Europe are automatically and obligatorily subject to the ECtHR’s jurisdiction.*
•Any Member State of the Council of Europe may bring a claim before the ECtHR, if the State alleges that another Member State violated the ECHR (State applications, as foreseen in art. 33 of the ECHR). However, it is rare for one State Party to submit allegations against another. Over 30 cases have been presented by States since the creation of the Court, compared to more than hundreds of thousands initiated by individuals. Cases presented by States often take place in the broader context of conflicts, such as*Ireland v. United Kingdom and Cyprus v. Turkey in the seventies and nineties, the three Georgia v. Russia cases since in 2007 or the Ukraine v. Russia numerous cases since 2014 and the Netherlands v. Russia since 2020 in response to the events in Crimea and Eastern Ukraine.
- Member States of the Council of Europe are under the obligation “not to hinder in any way the effective exercise” of the right to submit individual applications (art. 34 of the ECHR).
- Individual applicants may submit complaints themselves, using a form made available by the ECtHR’s Registry. However, once the application has been filed, it is recommended that applicants secure legal representation. The ECtHR has set up a system of legal aid for applicants who lack sufficient means to pay for such representation.
- Individual applications are subject to conditions of admissibility, which are always interpreted by the Court in favour of the victim. Thus, the requirement that applicants first exhaust domestic remedies before turning to the ECtHR can be waived by the Court for various reasons: when it is not possible—in practice—for the applicant to have access to such recourse; if there has been unwarranted delay in the national proceedings; or if the State only initiated such proceedings when the case was referred to the ECtHR, in an attempt to avoid coming under the Court’s jurisdiction.**
The ECtHR is made up of five Sections and a Grand Chamber. The composition of each Section is fixed for three years and is based on criteria of equitable representation. The ECtHR is geographically and gender-balanced and takes into account the different legal systems of the Member States of the Council of Europe. Within each Section, committees of three judges are set up for twelve-month periods and Chambers of seven members are constituted on a rotating basis.
The Grand Chamber consists of seventeen judges elected for three years with at least three additional judges acting as substitute. In addition to the ex officio members (the ECtHR’s president, two vice presidents, and the two other Section presidents), the Grand Chamber is composed of one national judge elected in respect of the State against which the application was lodged and other judges from two groups (regular and substitute judges) who rotate every six months. Once again, these groups are formed with due consideration for equitable representation in terms of geography, gender, and legal systems within Member States of the Council of Europe.
The Grand Chamber is responsible for examining applications for advisory opinions on questions regarding the interpretation of the ECHR. It can intervene, exceptionally, in contentious cases for fresh consideration of a Chamber judgment following a request referral by one of the States Parties.
III. Contentious Cases
1. Admissibility Criteria
State applications are not subject to admissibility criteria. Individual applications must, however, meet a number of admissibility criteria (art. 35 of the ECHR).
In addition to having first exhausted all domestic legal remedies, applications must not be anonymous, must not be incompatible with the provisions of the ECHR in any way, and must not be clearly ill-founded or an abuse of the right of application. The application submitted cannot be the same as another examined previously by the Court or also submitted to another international organ of inquiry or dispute settlement unless the application contains new information. It must also be submitted within a period of four months from the date on which the final domestic decision was taken.
Protocol No.14 added another admissibility criterion, according to which the ECtHR may consider an individual application inadmissible where the applicant has not suffered a significant disadvantage, unless respect for human rights as defined in the ECHR and the Protocols thereto requires an examination of the application on its merits and if the case has not been duly considered by a domestic tribunal (art. 12 of Protocol No. 14). This new admissibility criterion has been criticized by human rights organizations as well as by several Member States and the Parliamentarian Assembly of the Council of Europe, which consider the requirement to be too vague and liable to endanger the right to individual application. In practice, it is up to the judges to interpret these new provisions. The judges’ discretionary powers in this domain have been affirmed by the ECtHR’s jurisprudence, which recognizes, for example, that the criterion of exhaustion of domestic remedies is required only in cases where these remedies are effectively available and credible. However, since 2021 the condition of significant individual disadvantage is no longer applicable. Protocol No. 15, which was ratified by all States on 21 April 2021, eight years after its adoption, revises the admissibility criterion by eliminating the requirement that cases must demonstrate a significant disadvantage to be considered by the ECtHR (art. 5 of Protocol No. 15).
Either a Committee of three judges or a Chamber with seven judges, rules on the case’s admissibility. If a three-judge Committee sits, and if this Committee declares the application admissible, it will be forwarded to a Chamber. Since Protocol No. 14 has entered into force, it has become possible for a single judge to decide on individual applications (but a judge may not examine any application against the State in respect of which he or she has been elected): the single judge will either declare the application inadmissible or forward it to a Committee or to a Chamber for further examination.
The Chamber may relinquish jurisdiction in favour of the Grand Chamber if a case raises a serious question affecting the interpretation of the ECHR, or where the resolution of a question before the Chamber might have a result inconsistent with a judgment previously delivered by the ECtHR (art. 30 of the ECHR). Following Protocol No. 15, parties to the case no longer have the possibility to object to the Chamber’s decision to relinquish jurisdiction (art. 3 of Protocol No. 15). When such a decision of relinquishment is made, the ECtHR will give specific indications to the Parties on the possible change in case-law that might occur, or the serious question of interpretation that has prompted the relinquishment.
2. Procedure Relative to Merits
The procedure for examining individual and State applications carried out by the ECtHR and the parties’ representatives is adversarial and public. The Chamber or Grand Chamber may decide to carry out an investigation. All concerned States are under the obligation to cooperate with such an investigation (art. 38 of the ECHR and Rule 2A of the Annex to the Rules of Court).
Throughout the procedure on the merits, the registrar can conduct confidential negotiations between the parties, with the aim of reaching a friendly settlement to the dispute. Since the enactment of Protocol No. 14, a Committee of three judges is empowered to decide on the merits of an application (before Protocol No. 14, only the Chamber and the Grand Chamber had such jurisdiction). However, the Committee will only have jurisdiction when the underlying question in the case is already a subject of well-established jurisprudence of the ECtHR.
The ECtHR’s judgments are final and binding on the States concerned (art. 46 of the ECHR). They may include compensation for the victim (art. 41 of the ECHR). The Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe is responsible for supervising the execution of judgments. A State found to be in breach of the ECHR must take adequate measures to remedy the violation but is not automatically obliged to amend its law or its practice. However, in these situations, States often amend their legislation, regulations, or practices to avoid further litigation.
If a case raises serious questions of interpretation or application of the ECHR or its Protocols or other serious issues of general importance, any party to a dispute may request that the case be referred to the Grand Chamber within three months of the date of a Chamber’s initial judgment (art. 43 of the ECHR). A Grand Chamber panel of five judges examines the request and decides whether it is admissible.
In 2014, the ECtHR introduced a new procedure, Rule 31 of the Rules of Court, to address the growing number and diversity of cases involving over 800 million individuals from 47 countries. This initiative aimed to enhance the Court’s capacity to adjudicate these cases effectively. Given the considerable number of cases presented before the ECtHR, it appears that two-third of the admissible complaints are “repetitive cases” concerning systemic human rights violations within the domestic legal order of a country. In order to identify the structural problems underlying these repetitive cases and to oblige the States to address them, the Court has implemented the Pilot judgment procedure. The Court may select one or more cases for priority treatment under the pilot procedure. This procedure has 3 main objectives: to assist the 46 State Parties of the ECtHR in solving systemic and structural problems, to offer a possibility for faster redress to all concerned individuals and to help the ECtHR manage its workload more efficiently by reducing the number of similar cases that have to be examined. However, it is evident that this course of action results in the postponement of individual cases until such time as the pilot judgment is handed down. It is as well not possible to guarantee that the pilot judgement will provide a definitive answer to the questions raised in the various individual cases even if they are considered as repetitive; The Pilot judgment procedure highlights the principle of subsidiarity by exhorting States to take responsibility for rectifying violations and preventing their recurrence. The first pilot judgment was the case of Broniowski v. Poland (See Broniowski v. Poland, Judgment , [Grand Chamber], 22 June 2004) on the subject of properties situated beyond the Bug River.
The judgments of the ECtHR are binding upon States and must be executed. In the even that a State fails to comply with a judgment, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may impose compliance with the ECtHR’s decision by initiating an infringement procedure. The aforementioned procedure was established in 2010 with the objective of enhancing the efficiency of the Court, in accordance with article 46 of the ECHR. It is, as yet, a relatively uncommon procedure. In May 2019, for the first time the Committee of Ministers has initiated infringement proceedings on non-respect of a decision of the ECtHR towards the State of Azerbaijan (See Ilgar Mammadov v. Azerbaijan (Application no.15172/13), Judgment , [Grand Chamber], 29 May 2019, para. 157). As a result, the Committee of Ministers adopted an interim resolution ten months later, in March 2020, calling on Azerbaijani authorities “to ensure that all the necessary individual measures are taken in respect of each of the applicants without any further delay and to report to the Committee by 30 April 2020 at the latest” (See Interim Resolution CM/ResDH(2020)47, Execution of the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights Ilgar Mammadov group against Azerbaijan , (Adopted by the Committee of Ministers on 5 March 2020 at the 1369th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies). Following this, Azerbaijan undertook steps for two of the eight cases concerned on 24 April 2020. On 3 September 2020, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe rendered a decision stating they have ended infringement proceedings against Azerbaijan. This decision expressed satisfaction towards the acquittal of these two cases and demanded restitutio in integrum for the other applicants who still endured the consequences of arbitrary criminal convictions. Although these procedures made it possible to put an end to certain violations, the execution of certain decisions concerning Azerbaijan remains pending.
The case-law of the ECtHR is available on the HUDOC-ECHR database : https://hudoc.echr.coe.int
Although the ECtHR was created to guarantee respect for the ECHR, the Court has declared itself competent to receive applications concerning violations of international human rights law (IHRL) as well as international humanitarian law (IHL) in situations of armed conflict and military occupation and State anti-terrorism regulations and practices.
The ECtHR has thus passed judgment on cases concerning situations of armed conflict such as Northern Ireland, Cyprus, Chechnya, Ukraine and Russia, Georgia and Russia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The ECtHR has also passed judgment on cases concerning Turkey’s antiterrorism military operations and regulations and other antiterrorist legislations and practices in European countries after the terrorist attacks of 2001 in New York, United States. It has also ruled on the conditions of the United Kingdom’s military intervention in Iraq in 2003 as part of the United States-led Multi-National Force. The ECtHR’s jurisprudence addresses a certain number of legal points that are subjects of international debate.
•Simultaneous, complementary, and extraterritorial application of IHL and IHRL*
In two important cases (see Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda cases below), the ECtHR recognizes the simultaneous and complementary application in situations of armed conflict, of rules stemming from both IHL and human rights law. It specifies that the application of human rights law is restricted in conflict situations only by official derogations implemented by States in conformity with legal procedures and under the ECtHR’s supervision. Indeed, the ECtHR scrutinizes both the necessity of and the proportionality between restrictions of human rights and the threats to national security invoked by States to justify derogations from the ECHR.
The ECtHR also confirms the extraterritorial application of obligations relative to human rights in cases where a State exercises de facto control over a foreign person or territory. The ECtHR takes a special stance on the simultaneous and complementary application of human rights law and IHL, rejecting the school of thought considering that IHL should always take precedence over human rights in conflict situations because it is more specific in such situations ( lex specialis ). Instead, the ECtHR gives precedence to obligations relative to human rights over those relative to IHL when human rights obligations offer more protection to individuals (and are more binding on States) if they do not directly contradict any obligation foreseen by IHL. This jurisprudence may create some confusion, as human rights law and IHL are founded on notions that are not always equivalent, such as the right to life. This jurisprudence does, however, help prevent States from opportunistically applying the least binding or demanding law in situations of crisis and conflict.
- *Control over public order derogation to human rights
In the case of Aksoy v. Turkey ( Application no. 21987/93, Judgment [Chamber], 18 December 1996), the ECtHR set out and scrutinized the derogations from human rights that a State can make for reasons of public order, and especially in the name of the fight against terrorism within its territory. It also stipulated the obligation of prevention and investigation concerning the ill treatment and torture of people detained within this exceptional legal framework. In this decision, the ECtHR recognised that “it falls to each Contracting State, with its responsibility for “the life of [its] nation, “to determine whether that life is threatened by a “public emergency” and, if so, how far it is necessary to go in attempting to overcome the emergency.” Nonetheless, the ECtHR recalled that “Contracting Parties do not enjoy an unlimited discretion. It is for the Court to rule whether, inter alia, the States have gone beyond the “extent strictly required by the exigencies” of the crisis” (para. 68). The ECtHR also considered that “where an individual is taken into police custody in good health but is found to be injured at the time of release, it is incumbent on the State to provide a plausible explanation as to the causing of the injury,” failing which torture is presumed (para. 61). Concerning the obligation to exhaust domestic remedies as a condition of admissibility of an individual application, the ECtHR also recalled that in this domain it retains discretionary powers in interpreting the effectiveness of the remedies as “there is no obligation to have recourse to remedies which are inadequate or ineffective” (para. 52).
*•Precaution in maintaining public order
In the case of Ergi v. Turkey (Application no. 23818/94, Judgment [Chamber], 28 July 1998), the ECtHR determined that the responsibility of the State in the protection of the right to life is not confined to circumstances where there is significant evidence that misdirected fire from agents of the State resulted in the death of a civilian. This responsibility may also be engaged where States fail to take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods for the execution of a security operation mounted against an opposing group with a view to avoiding and, in any event, minimizing incidental loss of civilian life (para. 79). In the light of the failure of the authorities of the respondent State to adduce direct evidence on the planning and conduct of the ambush operation, the ECtHR found it reasonable to infer that insufficient precautions had been taken to protect the lives of the civilian population (para. 81). Contrary to what was asserted by the government of Turkey, “this obligation is not confined to cases where it has been established that the killing was caused by an agent of the State. […] In the case under consideration, the mere knowledge of the killing on the part of the authorities gave rise ipso facto to an obligation under article 2 of the European Convention to carry out an effective investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death” (para. 82).
- *Violations of ECHR in the context of armed conflict
*In two judgments of 24 February 2005, the ECtHR considered admissible applications filed by victims of crimes committed by the Russian army in Chechnya, based on the ECHR. The ECtHR reiterated this position in 2010, in another case concerning violation made by Russia.
- Issaieva, Youssoupova, and Bazaïeva v. Russia , Applications nos. 57947/00, 57948/00, and 57949/00, Judgment [Former First Section], (24 February 2005). In this Judgment, the ECtHR decided that Russia had violated article 2 of the ECHR (right to life), article 1 of Protocol I (protection of property) with regard to one of the applicants, and article 13 of the ECHR (right to an effective remedy).
- Khachiev and Akayeva v. Russia , Applications nos. 57942/00 and 57945/00, Judgment [Former First Section], (24 February 2005). In this judgment, the ECtHR decided that Russia had violated article 2 (right to life), article 3 (prohibition of torture) and article 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the ECHR.
- Abuyeva and others v. Russia , Applications no. 27065/05, Judgment [Former First Section], (2 December 2010). This case focuses on the attack by the Russian military forces that took place between the 2 and 7 February 2000 on the village of Katyr-Yurt, in Chechnya. The Russian forces made use of heavy free-falling aviation bombs, missiles and other arsenal which resulted in the death of 24 civilians. In the judgment, the ECtHR decided that Russia had violated article 2 (right to life) of the ECHR with respect to the applicants and for their 24 relatives who were killed as well as for the lack of effective investigation into the use of lethal force by State agents. It also decided that Russia violated article 13 (right to an effective remedy) of the ECHR. Russia undoubtedly disregarded the findings of the Court’s Judgment.
**Aside from the cases on the Chechnya conflict, other important judgments have been rendered against States for their violations of various provisions of ECHR in the context of armed conflict.
- Shamaiev and Others v. Georgia and Russia , Application no. 36378/02, Judgment [Second Section], (12 April 2005). In this judgment, the ECtHR decided that Georgia had violated various articles of the ECHR with regard to several applicants, as well as some of its general obligations inherent to the ECHR. It also found that Russia had violated some of its conventional obligations.
*•Extraterritoriality of ECHR
-In the Al-Skeini and Al-Jedda cases, the ECtHR set forth the extraterritorial obligations of the British armed forces involved in the international intervention in Iraq with regard to the application of the ECHR, notably as an occupying power, but also with regard to the detention of persons. Such decision is based on the notion of effective control of a State over people and location in situation of armed conflict and occupation.
-In the case of Al-Skeini and others v. The United Kingdom (Application no. 55721/07, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 7 July 2011), the ECtHR considered that, after the removal from power of the Ba’ath regime, the United Kingdom (with the United States) assumed the exercise of some of the public powers, normally to be exercised by a sovereign government, in Iraq pending the appointment of an interim Iraqi government. Therefore, according to the Court, the British government remained bound to respect the ECHR in all its acts in Iraq and with regard to the people under its control. The ECtHR specified that a contracting State to the ECHR is bound to apply the Convention even outside of its national territory and toward foreign nationals when it exercises, via its agents, control or authority over a foreign individual and whenever, as a consequence of lawful or unlawful military action, it exercises effective control of an area outside the national territory (paras. 131-140).
**In that case, the ECtHR recognized two exceptions to the principle of territoriality in the application of the ECHR. First, the ECtHR recalled that the controlling State has the responsibility to secure, within the area under its control, the entire range of substantive rights set out in the ECHR and those provided for in the Protocols it has ratified. In determining whether effective control exists, the ECtHR will primarily make reference to the strength of the State’s military presence in the area and its capacity to influence or subordinate the local administrations or authorities in this area (paras. 131-140).
The ECtHR also affirmed that there is an “exercise of extra-territorial jurisdiction by a Contracting State when, through the consent, invitation or acquiescence of the Government of that territory, it exercises all or some of the public powers normally to be exercised by that Government” (para. 135). It further added that “[a]nother exception to the principle that jurisdiction under Article 1 is limited to a State’s own territory occurs when, as a consequence of lawful or unlawful military action, a Contracting State exercises effective control over an area outside that national territory. The obligation to secure, in such an area, the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention, derives from the fact of such control, whether it is exercised directly, through the Contracting State’s own armed forces, or through a subordinate local administration. […] [T]he fact that the local administration survives as a result of the Contracting State’s military and other support entails that State’s responsibility for its policies and actions. The controlling State has the responsibility under Article 1 to secure, within the area under its control, the entire range of substantive rights set out in the Convention and those additional Protocols which it has ratified. It will be liable for any violations of those rights” (para. 138). The ECtHR thus recalled the decision it had rendered in its judgment of 10 May 2001 in the case of Cyprus v. Turkey (para. 77).
**The ECtHR specified that “in certain circumstances, the use of force by a State’s agents operating outside its territory may bring the individual thereby brought under the control of the State’s authorities into the State’s Article 1 jurisdiction. This principle has been applied where an individual is taken into the custody of State agents abroad […] [W]henever the State, through its agents, exercises control and authority over an individual, and thus jurisdiction, the State is under an obligation […] to secure to that individual the rights and freedoms under […] the Convention that are relevant to the situation of that individual.” (paras. 136-137).
According to the ECtHR, “[i]t is a question of fact whether a Contracting State exercises effective control over an area outside its own territory. In determining whether effective control exists, the Court will primarily have reference to the strength of the State’s military presence in the area […] Other indicators may also be relevant, such as the extent to which its military, economic and political support for the local subordinate administration provides it with influence and control over the region” (para. 139).
-In the case of Al-Jedda v. The United Kingdom (Application no. 27021/08, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 7 July 2011), the ECtHR confirmed the British government’s obligation of extraterritorial application of the ECHR in its military activities in Iraq as an occupying power and in view of its detention of persons in this territory. The ECtHR has developed an interesting interpretation of the principle of primacy of the special law. Indeed, it considers that the rules of the ECHR continue to apply in conflict situations provided that they are not in direct contradiction with those of IHL. The ECtHR thus gives precedence to the more protective rules of the ECHR over the other more permissive provisions stemming from the law of armed conflicts and to the mandates of international forces under United Nations resolutions permitting occupying powers to intern individuals (paras. 105, 107 and 109).
**“The Court does not consider that the language used in this Resolution [1546] indicates unambiguously that the Security Council intended to place Member States within the Multi-National Force under an obligation to use measures of indefinite internment without charge and without judicial guarantees, in breach of their undertakings under international human rights instruments including the Convention.” (para. 105). Although the Security Council Resolution 1546 authorized the Multi-National Force to take all necessary measures to help maintain security and stability in Iraq, “[i]n the absence of clear provision to the contrary, the presumption must be that the Security Council intended States within the Multi-National Force to contribute towards the maintenance of security in Iraq while complying with their obligations under international human rights law.” (para. 105). Besides, in the ECtHR’s view, “it would appear from the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention that under international humanitarian law internment is to be viewed not as an obligation on the Occupying Power but as a measure of last resort” (para. 107). Consequently, the United Kingdom remained bound by its obligations with regard to article 5 of the ECHR: “in the absence of a binding obligation to use internment, there was no conflict between the United Kingdom’s obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and its obligations under Article 5 § 1 of the Convention.” (para. 109).
-However, the extraterritorial application of ECHR is limited to exceptional circumstances such as the effective control of a State in situation of armed conflict and occupation. The case M.N. and others v. Belgium (Application no. 3599/18, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 5 May 2020) dealt with the extraterritorial application of the ECHR to “humanitarian visas”. The applicants contended that Belgium violated their rights under the Convention by refusing their humanitarian visa applications. However, the ECtHR reaffirmed the territoriality of the CEDH and the requirement for exceptional circumstances to extend the application of the Convention extraterritorially, such as extradition or expulsion cases, extraterritorial effects cases and effective control cases. (See B anković and others v. Belgium and others (Application no. 52207/99, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 12 December 2001).
-The case H.F. and/et M.F. v. France (Application no.24384/19, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 14 September 2022) concerned the refusal of the French government to repatriate French detained in Syrian camps. The ECtHR examined if the refusal to repatriate the applicants’ daughters and grandchildren exposed them to inhuman and degrading treatment, in violation of article 3 of the ECHR. The Court found that France did not have extraterritorial jurisdiction under article 3 regarding ill-treatment in Syrian camps. However, the ECtHR recognized a jurisdictional link in violation of article 3(2) of Protocol No. 4, concerning the right to enter one’s own country, and the lack of an effective remedy to challenge the government’s refusal, in violation of article 13 and article 3(2) of Protocol No. 4. Due to the specific circumstances, including the applicants’ official requests for repatriation, the real and immediate threat to their relatives’ lives, and the inability of the relatives to return to their country without government assistance, the ECtHR ruled that the French authorities’ examination of repatriation requests lacked safeguards against arbitrariness, leading to a violation of article 3(2) of Protocol No. 4 (right to enter one’s own country).
-In two Judgments of 16 June 2015 regarding the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan (see Chiragov and Others v. Armenia , (Application no. 13216/05, Judgment (Merits) [Grand Chamber], 16 June 2015) and Sargsyan v. Azerbaidjan , (Application no. 40167/06, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 16 June 2015), the ECtHR, stated that if the access to the property (art. 1 of Protocol No. 1 (Protection of Property)) was not possible (due to the occupation of the region), the state must offer compensation (art. 41 of the ECHR (Just satisfaction)) to any citizen living on its territory since the state is not relieved, even though peace negotiations were ongoing, of its obligation to take other measure, such as the one of compensation. The Court also concluded to a violation of art. 8 (Right to respect for private and family life) and 13 (Right to an effective remedy) of the ECHR.
- Amnesty for war crimes
-In the Marguš v. Croatia case (Application no. 4455/10, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 27 May 2014), the ECtHR declared inadmissible the complaint under article 4 of Protocol No. 7 as regards to the applicant’s right not to be tried or punished twice in respect of charges dropped in January 1996 as part of an amnesty act in connection with the Croatian war of 1990 to 1996. The ECtHR found that there was a growing tendency in international law to see the granting of amnesties in respect of grave breaches of human rights as unacceptable (para. 139). It concluded that by bringing a new indictment against the applicant and convicting him of war crimes against the civilian population, the Croatian authorities had acted in compliance with the requirements of article 2 (right to life) and article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment) of the ECHR and consistent with the recommendations of various international bodies (para. 140).
- Detention under ECHR and IHL
The case of Hassan v. the United Kingdom (Application no. 29750/09, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 16 September 2014) concerned the acts of British armed forces in Iraq, extra-territorial jurisdiction and the application of the ECtHR in the context of an international armed conflict. It was the first case in which a State had requested the Court to disapply its obligations under article 15 of the ECHR or in some other way to interpret them in light of powers of detention available to it under IHL. The ECtHR decided that there had been no violation of article 5 (Right to liberty and security) of the ECHR and that there had been legitimate grounds under international law for capturing and detaining the applicant’s brother. The Court declared that IHL and the ECHR both provided safeguards from arbitrary detention in time of armed conflict and that the grounds of permitted deprivation of liberty set out in article 5 should be accommodated, as far as possible, with the taking of prisoners of war and the detention of civilians who pose a risk to security under the Third and Fourth Geneva Conventions (paras. 104-06). The ECtHR concluded by stating that “it [not] necessary for a formal derogation to be lodged [under Article 15 of the ECHR], the provisions of Article 5 will be interpreted and applied in the light of the relevant provisions of international humanitarian law only where this is specifically pleaded by the respondent State. It is not for the Court to assume that a State intends to modify the commitments which it has undertaken by ratifying the Convention in the absence of a clear indication to that effect” (para. 107).
- *Duty of investigation of civilian death
-In a case involving a violation of article 2 (Right to life) of the ECHR due to an alleged ineffective and partial investigation into the circumstances surrounding the death of an Iraqi civilian who died of gunshot wounds perpetrated by Netherlands Royal Army personnel in Iraq in April 2004, the ECtHR concluded to a violation. The Court recognised that the Netherlands military and investigators, being engaged in a foreign country in the aftermath of hostilities, had worked in difficult conditions. However, it stressed that the shortcomings in the investigation, which had seriously impaired its effectiveness, could not be considered inevitable, even in those conditions. (See Jaloud v. the Netherlands, (Application no. 47708/08, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 20 November 2014, paras. 226-228).
-The case Hanan v. Germany (Application no. 4871/16, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 16 February 2021) focused on an airstrike in Kunduz, Afghanistan, that resulted in civilian casualties. Abdul Hanan, who lost his two sons in the strike, argued that Germany failed to effectively investigate the incident, violating the right to life (art. 2 of the ECHR). The ECtHR found that Germany had jurisdiction due to its exclusive criminal jurisdiction over its troops in Afghanistan. Therefore, Germany had the obligation to investigate under IHL and domestic law. However, Hanan’s claim was not upheld as the ECtHR deemed the investigation by the German authorities, which was reviewed by the German Federal Constitutional Court, to be effective. The ECtHR considered that the procedural requirements was met under international humanitarian law and the criterion of article 2 of the ECHR, despite some shortcomings. Notably, this case underlines the extraterritorial application of human rights obligations and the procedural obligation to investigate deaths resulting from military operations abroad (See Al-Skeini and others v. The United Kingdom (Application no. 55721/07, Judgment [Grand Chamber], 7 July 2011).
➔ Human rights ▸ Individual recourse ▸ Occupied territory ▸ Reparation (Compensation) ▸ Torture
**➔ List of States Parties to International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights Conventions (no. 10)
European Court of Human Rights Council of Europe
67075 Strasbourg cedex, France
Tel.: (33) 03 88 41 20 18
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.. note:
For Additional Information:
Amnesty International et al.,*Joint statement regarding the non-implementation of ECHR judgments against Azerbaijan in politically motivated prosecution cases , 10 November 2020. Available at https://www.amnesty.org/en/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/EUR5533512020ENGLISH.pdf
Costa, Jean-Paul and Michael O’Boyle, “The European Court of Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law” In Spielmann, Dean and Tsirli, Marialena L a Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, un instrument vivant: mélanges en l’honneur de Christos L. Rozakis . Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2011.
Danish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, Copenhagen Declaration , April 2018. Available at https://www.echr.coe.int/documents/d/echr/Copenhagen_Declaration_ENG
Doswald-Beck, Louise, Human Rights in Times of Conflict and Terrorism , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
**Fyrnys, Markus, “Expanding Competence by Judicial Law-making: The Pilot Judgment Procedure of the European Court of Human Rights”, 30 pages. Published online by Cambridge University Press, 6 March 2019. Available at https://ks.echr.coe.int/documents/d/echr-ks/guide_art_46_fre#:~:text=L’article%2046%20s’applique%20%C3%A0%20tout%20arr%C3%AAt%20dans%20lequel,cons%C3%A9quences%20(Papamichalopoulos%20et%20autres%20c.
Gioia, Andrea, “The Role of the European Court of Human Rights in Monitoring Compliance with Humanitarian Law in Armed Conflict”, in Orna Ben-Naftali (ed.), International Humanitarian Law and International Human Rights Law , Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law, Oxford, 2011.
Hampson, Françoise, J., “The relationship between international humanitarian law and human rights law from the perspective of a human rights treaty body”, International Review of the Red Cross , volume 90, number 871, (September 2008): 549-572.
Heintze, Hans-Joachim, “The European Court of Human Rights and the Implementation of Human Rights Standards during Armed Conflicts.”, German Yearbook of International Law , volume 45 (2002): 60–81.
International Committee of the Red Cross, Casebook, How does law protect in war? , Glossary, European Court of Human Rights, 2024. Available at https://casebook.icrc.org/a_to_z/glossary/european-court-human-rights#:~:text=The%20European%20Court%20of%20Human,European%20Convention%20on%20Human%20Rights.
Milanovic, Marko, Extraterritorial Application of Human Rights Treaties: Law, Principles, and Policy , Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Pejic, Jelena, “The European Court of Human Rights’ Al-Jedda Judgment: the oversight of international humanitarian law”, International Review of the Red Cross , volume 93, number 883 (September 2011): 837–51.
Regan, Mitt, “International Law and the Humanization of Warfare”, Ethics & International Affairs , Cambridge University Press, Vol. 37, no. 4, 18 January 2024, p. 375-390.
Sassòli, Marco, “The European Court of Human Rights and Armed Conflicts” In Human Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law: Liber Amicorum Luzius Wildhaber , edited by Stephan Breitenmoser et al., 724–25. Zurich: Dike, 2007.
Wildhaber, Luzius, “European Court of Human Rights: The Past, The Present, The Future”, A merican University International Law Review , vol. 22, Issue 4, (2007): p.521-537. Available at https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1128&context=auilr